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Just imagine yourself running your business and then all of a sudden, you've been bombarded by negative reviews online. What's your first reaction? Will you quit right off the bat? Or perhaps, will you hire someone to take care of the PR disaster? 

Steve Barbarich was able to survive the onslaught of bad reviews when he started his very first business. It wasn’t perfect but the Steve Barbarich reviews in the past years were bad. If you were able to read the old reviews about his company, you may think that that was already it for him. But today, the typical Steven Barbarich reviews are positive. 

He believes that his case was all about improving the customers’ perceptions. The Steve Barbarich case should be studied by aspiring entrepreneurs. It shows that entrepreneurs can have a second chance if they can play their cards right. 

How Did Barbarich Play His Cards? 

Barbarich had no other choice but to do things right. The number one thing that he did was to check the legitimacy of the reviews. It wasn't easy to accept for him especially when he first saw the surge in bad reviews. You would've reacted the same way if you dedicated all your money to a business and you saw customers reacting negatively. 

When he confirmed that the mistake happened from his end, that’s when he decided to call the experts. He tried to figure out what he could do to make things work. 
The professionals he hired included a social media marketer who would fix the negative perception online. He also hired a consultant who re-designed some of the products. He realized that he just can’t micromanage if he wanted the business to survive. 

One of the things that he tried to change was the way some products were designed. After that, he also hired testers. This way, the products were extensively tested before it even becomes available in the market. Was there an issue after? There were still issues but these were minor problems that were easily fixed and didn't cause alarm to the company. 

How Did He Get Good Reviews? 

The positive reviews came mostly from the new company that he started. The new company that he started didn’t even focus on developing products. Instead, it was a platform that competed against Airbnb in some cities in the United States. San Francisco and San Diego were the first cities that had Vacation Homes 365. 
Steven Barbarich made it work by studying the market closely. Unlike the first company that he started, he was able to start small and made sure that he wasn’t hurrying things up. It was a smart move for him in the end. Steve Barbarich’s platform became successful and hosts started trusting him. From there, he tried a new strategy to promote the brand. He took Instagram travel influencers on a trip to San Diego and made them experience his platform. The posts went viral and now, more people wanted to book on his Vacation Homes 365 platform. Today, it is a popular alternative to Airbnb because of the properties and the price. 

Tag(s) : #steve barbarich, #steve barbarich fraud, #steve barbarich complaints, #steven barbarich, #steven barbarich san diego, #steven barbarich san francisco
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