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Many consider Steve Barbarich as a successful entrepreneur today. But before all his success, he started as a humble inventor. Graduating from the prestigious institution of Harvey Mudd College, he started working as an inventor. He learned and figured out how patents work. Patents are important in order for an inventor to be able to claim an invention to be his. Unfortunately, a lot of inventors become frustrated and sell their ideas to much larger companies taking a small amount of money in exchange for a brilliant idea. 

Steve Barbarich wrote a book all about patents. He wrote the book:  The Complete Manual on How to Make Money from Your Inventions and Patents. It became an instant hit via Amazon. But he didn’t stop there. His goal was to help inventors who were struggling financially. That was when he decided it was a good idea to put up his first company.

The company was focused on helping inventors get their products across the stores. And unlike the usual arrangements with big companies, Barbarich started a pro-inventor company that ultimately provided all the assistance that an inventor needs. 

Venturing on E-Commerce

Barbarich didn’t plan to enter the world of e-commerce. However, what he experienced changed his overall perspective. He bought some furniture online only to realize that there are problems when it comes to the after-sales care delivered by companies. Oftentimes, companies don’t care after they already received the money from their customers. 

That’s when Steve Barbarich decided that he wanted to start his own business. He started small and eventually experienced success. One trademark of his company is the superb after-sales support delivered by the company. 

Vacation Rentals 

He is currently venturing on vacation rentals. The company he started was a product of his experience traveling all over the world. He decided to invest in a company that helps homeowners turn their property into a fully operational business. One common problem among hosts is that they can’t compete against other properties simply because they don’t know exactly where to start. The company he started figured out the marketing requirements plus how to turn a property into a full-blown vacation rental. 

He then offered assistance to those individuals ranging from answering messages and even providing viral marketing strategies. 


He is also known for his philanthropist ideas. In 2005, he decided to offer to help those people who were affected by both Hurricane Ike and Rita. It was during this time when many were displaced and were left with no food to eat. He offered help towards the Red Cross in order to address the needs of those who were affected.

In addition to this, he also helped women who were in need of a mammogram. He believed that early detection is key in order to prolong the life of cancer patients.  

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